It`s a Glass Screen, not Ceiling
Released on: April 2, 2008, 6:00 pm
Press Release Author: Gary J. Salton
Industry: Human Resources
Press Release Summary: The glass ceiling has nothing to do with the quality of decision making
Press Release Body: Ann Arbor, Michigan - April 2, 2008 - A burst of women began their career trek in the late 1970s and 1980s. They are now the right age to assume corporate leadership. Are they being held back because of their decision making approach?
Dr. Gary Salton, Chief of R&D at used "I Opt" technology to answer this question. "I Opt" measures decision making methods and is used by major firms in areas like leadership training and team building on a worldwide basis.
The question was whether decision patterns of men and women differ. If they did, it could explain the "glass ceiling." To test this, 1,729 executives were divided between VPs and Managers. Dr. Salton then compared males and females in each group. Statistical tests confirmed with 99.9% certainty that the two genders were exactly the same in their approach to issues.
"What this means," says Salton, "is that any glass ceiling is not due to decision making differences, there are none." The quality of the decision-making process is exactly the same-no better, no worse, Salton concludes.
What is probably happening is a screening process. Different decision skills are needed at different levels. VPs have to make decisions with fewer specifics and more uncertainty.
Successful managers work with more specifics and have a shorter decision horizon. "Being a successful manager does not necessarily prepare you to be a successful VP," says Salton.
What to do? Dr. Salton says that you have to cover two bases. Show excellence in doing your current job. Then contribute to strategic decisions in a way that gets noticed. "This is difficult, but women are every bit as equipped as men to do it," Dr. Salton concludes.
Dr. Salton's complete study is available free on in the Research Notes section of his home page
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Background: Dr. Salton has been analyzing information-processing strategies since 1991. He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology, an MBA and an MA in Economics.
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Contact Details: Gary J. Salton, Ph.D. Chief of Research & Development and CEO Professional Communications, Inc. 101 Nickels Arcade Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Voice: 734-662-0250 FAX: 734-662-0838 Email: and Blog:
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